Best Friend Forever: One Trusted Friend Over A Long Period

5 min readJun 8, 2022

Who do you call your best friend?

One of the closest friends whom you used to share your toys and lunchbox in the school, the one with whom you share your joys and sorrows, the one who is never tired of listening to your stupid stuff, the one who is always there for you when no one else. When people say we’ve 3 or 5 best friends, they might be mistaken. To the best of my knowledge, you can’t call a best friend to more than one because the best can be only one among your all friends that’s why it’s called “BEST FRIEND”.

What is Best Friend Forever?

Best Friend Forever is the one trusted friend over a long period. You can call someone your best friend forever when you’ve been in friendship for so long. Yes, time matters for a BFF relationship because forever means permanent. If you’re lucky enough to be blessed with a forever friend in your life, you know it’s very hard to find the Best Friend. Forever friends are rare gems. Psychologists say it all: If a friendship lasts longer than seven years, says it will last a lifetime.

My bestie and I’ve been best friends for 22 years and that’s why I’ve called her BFF. We’ve been together since I was 3. I like her so much since childhood. Her vibes are so good. She’s taller than me so my friends asked me to change my best friend. You don’t look good together. But I ignored them and realized things like height does not matter in our Friendship. We’ve been to the same School, Tuitions and the School Taxi. We used to live in the same locality for more than 15 years. I used to believe, same School, Taxi, Tuitions and Locality, are the things that tied us together. When I was shifting to my new house, I thought my friendship would break. But My thought was proved wrong when I felt the bond is still the same as before or maybe our love for each other increased. She’s been my best friend from Kg to Pg. Now we’ve completed our studies, so we don’t meet regularly but our bond is still the same. We have contrast personalities though… yet besties❤️ this made me feel so good. Our physical appearance and our thinking are completely different still we respect each other’s differences. Our school friends used to call us JaiVeeru. Teachers always called us by our names together. We’ve been called by one name i.e Shanusonika that feels completely good. When we both are together, we don’t need anyone else. Due to our differences, We complete each other. Whenever I meet my old friends and teachers, they ask if we are still best friends? And I always reply- Yes, she’s my Best Friend Forever. Everyone has a best friend in each stage of life but lucky ones have the same best friend in all stages of life. It’s easy to make 22 friends in a year but keeping up with 1 friend for 22 years is so rare and that’s why we are called BFF. Today’s generation won’t believe in our 22 years of friendship because nowadays 😁 even marital relations may or may not last for 22 years.

The secret of long-lasting friendship- Understanding and Trust is a must in any relationship. No relation lasts forever if you don’t understand and trust each other. The secret of our friendship is also Loyalty and Loyalty is a two-way thing. Many people came and tried to break our friendship, but our bond is still the same because we always talk clearly about everything, never holding grudges and we’ve never given up on each other. Nobody is my friend for 22 years except her. We treat each other like siblings. People often ask- Don’t you both fight over little things? I reply-no, our understanding is so good. If we fight, we don’t let anyone know and sort on the same day and also we don’t believe­­­ in other people’s rubbish. I’m so blessed to have her. Blood can make you related but your loyalty makes you a family. Any friendship or relationship runs when there are 50-50 efforts. It’s like two tires of a cycle. If one tire is punctured, the cycle won’t run. Those who don’t love or are less interested won’t make time and say they are busy whether it is friendship or relationship. No matter how busy you are, you always make time for your special ones, if they are your priority. Having a little conversation with your loved ones, make you feel more energetic and your work goes with ease. Please don’t comfort yourself with their sweet lies rather hurt yourself by bitter truth. You can’t force someone to care or love you, They either do it or not. Don’t waste your time or energy on those who don’t. I’ve learned in my friendship that If they ignore your text or calls, instead of getting angry ask them what happened, they might be in some problem. Don’t overthink and break the friendship over little things. Call them and keep your ego aside because friendship is more important than your ego. Understanding each other is a must. Many people give up easily without talking. Talk to them. Talk about each and everything, what’s bothering you about them. Maintain transparency in your friendship. Make your bond unbreakable. Sometimes you don’t talk to them for months because you both are busy in life but when you both meet, you feel the exact same bond and love. That’s your friendship ❤️Having 1 real friend for 22 years is better than a thousand friends on social media.­­­

People see our friendship and say you are lucky enough to find such a friend. Everyone wants this kind of best friend in their life but nobody wants to adjust and be a nice friend and then they compare. You have to give efforts to make it happen. The relation you are comparing with also has some struggle and now it has got success. Every relationship even friendship needs adjustment. We both are completely different. We adjust and accept things. When only one person adjusts and the other one is staying the same, then it’s not called the adjustment, it’s called the compromise. And when there is a compromise, the relation won’t last. Don’t give up too soon, things take time and will be accomplished. Best friends don’t propose to each other or ask that Will you be my best friend? It happens naturally.

After experiencing this kind of friendship with her, I’ve realized life has more beautiful relations other than being lovers like your relationship with God, family and friends. If you are connected with them by heart, you long for each other as a family member. And I’ve also realized the difference between being in contact and being in connection. We don’t roam or don’t click too much together but our connection is beyond words.

I’ve read somewhere, if they are important, show them. So it was my birthday yesterday and it’s her birthday tomorrow and I’m posting this blog today especially for her, my BFF❤️love you a lot bae ❤️




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