Everybody tells me, you always look happy. Maybe you’ve faced no problems, heartbreaks or pains. That’s why you look happy all the time. But it’s not true, I’ve also faced some problems. But I’ve got a different way of dealing with them. I confront my problems rather than dodging them. Yes, I indeed keep happy all the time because I choose to be positive and happy in every situation. People who know me in person or on social media, find me the same happy person because this is how I am. I don’t want any reason to be happy. I keep happy all the time because I’m grateful for everything in my life. There are many things to be happy about- Good vibes, Love, Honesty, Insight, Creativity, Joy and Courage. You can’t buy these things at the store. Happiness is the choice, not the result. It is the state of mind. Don’t make your happiness conditional. If you make it so, you will be trapped in your own web of thoughts. You can’t say I’ll be happy when I’ll get my dream job or my own house. ”Happiness is not something you postpone for the future, it is something you design for the present.” The Happiest people don’t have everything in life. They just keep creating situations that bring happiness every day. No matter what problems come in your way, don’t let any situation overpower you. Be happy like kids. They are happy for no reason. Experience emotional pleasure because happiness is the state of mind. Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. “Happiness is where you are now, nowhere at all. It’s not in a new job, it’s not in a new relationship, it’s not in a completed goal, it’s not in a new car. Until you give on the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it is where you are.” Some people even enjoy misery because it gives them happiness. Don’t judge and don’t worry about what others think about you. Whatever they think is not permanent. Your own opinion about people and things keeps changing all the time. So why worry about what others think about you?

Being happy is a choice. You are responsible for your happiness. Come what may, whoever says whatever so keep yourself happy. You have to learn to be happy with not being invited, included or considered. Be open to change your mind. Not everything you planned is meant to be accomplished. You must have the courage to be flexible and accept everything that comes your way. If you don’t get success with your plan then change the plan, not your goals. Always stick to your goals because your dreams are worth chasing and be happy when you do hard work for your goals. Don’t postpone your happiness till you achieve your goals. Happiness in the journey is equally important as being happy after reaching the destination. When you are truly happy from within, your happiness radiates on your face. You glow differently when you are happy and that glow has no comparison. You can’t even get that glow with the thousand rupees facial. Don’t let your happiness depend on people and things. Try to expect less and accept more and soon you’ll discover your happiness. Always remember one thing, you will get hurt only by those who are very close to you and the one who is too close to you is only you. Nobody can hurt you till you allow them. Your own imagination, worries, and expectations hurt you. Trust me, no one has the power to make you feel low because you are the decision-maker for yourself. You choose to be hurt, sad, disappointed, cheerful and happy. Everything is in your hands. But still, if you think, you are hurt by your beloved ones, instead of overthinking and being sad, talk to them about it. Talking to other people, won’t get you anything. Talk to them directly because nobody can read your mind, you have to say it. They might not know what makes you sad. After having a conversation with them, you will surely get to know how to fix this.

Because you can only find the solutions to your problems when you know where the problem has been started.

7 things that you should avoid if you want to be happy:

1. Don’t get overwhelmed by your thoughts or feelings because sometimes it’s only in your head. When you talk with the person because of whom you think you are hurt, you’ll find the reason behind their actions and you’ll become happy again.

2. Don’t isolate yourself, especially when you are hurt. Cutting off people you don’t like is sometimes okay. But if you think, you won’t get hurt if you isolate yourself then you are highly mistaken because you are living in a world full of people so it’s better to change yourself rather than being sad and isolated. It’s better to wear slippers rather than carpeting the whole world.

3. Don’t let your negative thoughts overpower you. Talking to your parents, teachers or elders will surely help. Try to find solutions or try to change your situations. If you can’t change the situation then change your perspective and soon you’ll accept everything and will be happy again. Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances.

4. Don’t overthink your problems. If you keep thinking about your problems, you’ll feel sad or hurt. Sometimes we think about problems that have no relation to reality. We create problems in our own imagination. Stop creating problems that aren’t even there. We’ve to develop control over our fears and be happy always.

5. Don’t be sad because nobody cares. When you are sad, nobody asks but when you laugh, everyone starts asking what’s the joke? I also want to laugh because everyone wants laughter and happiness. No one wants to be sad or be in pain. So be happy for yourself as well as for others. Because if you are happy then only you can make others happy.

6. Never go office with an angry or sad face. Always go with a big smile at your workplace. If you work with a smile on your face, then things surely work and you may spread happiness around you. It may change everyone’s mood.

7. Let go of what you can’t change whether it’s a person or the past.

Don’t complain about everything but be grateful for everything you have. Find happiness in small things, be grateful for the lovable and the best people you have in your life. Appreciate their kindness, that might be a little thing for you but your words can make their whole day better. People always bless you when you praise them for their kindness. Collect blessings and be happy. Be around people who are good for your soul. Be positive and kind in such a way that people remember you whenever they are sad. Try to make laugh everyone around you with your jokes. When you are happy and positive, everyone likes you. You don’t have to make efforts or work hard to make people like you. So be happy no matter what. People adore your personality when you are always happy and cheerful. No one wants people who are always sad and speak negatively. Wherever you go, go with a smile and you will find people around you smiling automatically and everything will feel good around you. Your company will make them happy and they will love to hang out with you. I know problems are inevitable but instead of thinking about why the problem happened, just try to find what I should do to fix it. Try to stay calm in every situation, take a breath, smile and continue working and you’ll find peace and happiness within and with a positive attitude, you can make your environment stress free. Always remember, whatever happens, happens for good. Maybe you won’t find good at that moment but sooner or later, you’ll realize the goodness behind it. Your happiness can’t be measured by how happy you are, but how many are happy because of you.

Happiness is the state of mind. With money, you can buy all the materialistic things but you can’t purchase peace, happiness, contentment or love. The most precious things in life are always non-monetary. You can see a poor child who is happily playing with mud and a rich child who is sad playing with his expensive video games. We always think we’ll be happy when we have luxurious and expensive things in our life. But affluent products provide you a utility value, not happiness. True Happiness is beyond things. Sometimes you are ungrateful for the necessary things you have like food, shelter and clothes. If you have a roof over your head, a loving family, a healthy body, food and clothes, then you are blessed. Be grateful for that. Greed for more money and affluent things leads to sadness. Instead of being jealous of wealthy people, try to work hard, earn money and be rich. Be rich in happiness too. The life you are living is a dream for a lot of people so be content and grateful for whatever you have. You might earn in lakhs and still feel unhappy. Thus happiness is the choice, not the result.

Always remember one thing, nothing lasts forever. No moment will come again. You only live once. One life is enough if you live happily. So be happy always. – Shanu Dodani




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