Happy Friendship Day

Friendship: Mutual Affection Between People

4 min readAug 6, 2022
Happy Friendship Day

What does Friendship mean?

Friendship means a mutual affection or bond between people that connects them and lets them share each other’s feelings and thoughts. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together.

Why should we make friends?

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships you can have. Being buddies means you can share from pen to the darkest secrets. You can talk shit on their face, meet in your pajamas, wear no makeup, and share your food and things. They don’t need to ask for your permission before coming to your home. Friends are like your family. If you are lucky like me, you’ll get your friends like this. I know after reading this you might think this is not a series or movie. But trust me friends like this exists. I’m blessed to have a best friend circle. Even after knowing everything about you, they don’t judge you for who you are. They respect and appreciate you for who you are. If you are being judged in your friend circle then I must say you must change your friends. Having friends who are always there for you no matter what is such a blessing from God. If your friends are like this. Keep it up then and choose wisely. Toxic friends who judge you, and laugh at you can bring negativity to your life. Being insulated in your friends’ group might be cool for you but I’m telling you a thing, people who can’t respect you, can’t be your friend. Close friends are like your other half. Sometimes they act as a mirror, they show you your true self. Also, they motivate you when are at your lowest and correct you when you are wrong. Close friendships are necessary for optimal health and well-being.

What makes a special friend?

You can have many friends but some are your special and beloved people who always stand by you when you have no one to support you. They don’t judge you for your action instead try to understand the reason behind your words and actions. They are the ones who are your strength and merely their presence makes you feel good. Family isn’t always about blood. It’s about who cares and never left your side. Those who accept you for who you are and love you no matter what. We must cherish the bond 💛the friends share and the way they care.

What makes a friendship strong or lasts long?

Every relationship is two-way. Likewise, a friend’s relationship also works when both of them want to keep up with each other no matter what. Like every other relation, this relation is also based on trust, understanding, and love. This relationship won’t work when one of them doesn’t feel the same or doesn’t want to stay connected.

Is Healthy Friendship Important In Life?

Yes, healthy friendship is important in life because there are the hardest moments in our life sometimes that we can’t even share with our family members so when you have friends, you can share your problems with them and get your solutions. They also encourage you to grow and make you feel better about the other person and yourself too.

संसार में सबसे बड़ी शक्ति क्या है ?

संसार में सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है मित्रता l यदि सच्ची मित्रता प्राप्त हो जाये तो वही सबसे बड़ा धन है, जब आप कठिनाइयों में होंगे, तो मित्रता शस्त्र बनकर सहायता करेगी, मार्ग भटक जाओगे तो मित्रता शास्त्र बनकर आपको राह दिखाएगी l षडियंत्र में फस जाओगे तो बुद्धि बनकर बहार निकालेगी, अकेले हो जाओगे तो ममता बनकर साथ निभाएगी यदि इस संसार में कुछ कमाना है तो धन नहीं मित्रता कमाओ l

  • Radhakrishna(TV Series)
Happy Friendship Day 2022

So why not celebrate your friendship day by wishing your friends and loved ones and showing them that they mean a lot to you?

Here are some liners or captions which you may send your beloved friends.

  1. किसी के बहकावे में आकर अच्छे मित्र मत खोना, बहुत मुश्किल से मिलते है ये फ़िक्र करने वाले दोस्त |

2. Two things you’ll never have to chase. True friends and true love.

3. अच्छी मित्रता से असंभव कार्य भी संभव हो जाता है।

4. True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart ❤️

5. न प्यार ❤️बड़ा न ही दोस्ती, जो निभा जाए वो इंसान बड़ा |

6. It was always fun when you have the best people around you.

7. अगर प्यार के लिए दोस्तियां छूट जाएं तो तुम्हारा प्यार ही गलत है मेरे दोस्त |

8. Life is short. Spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved.

9. किसी को अपना बनाना हुनर ही सही, लेकिन किसी का बनके रहना कमाल होता है।

10. Your vibe attracts your tribe.

11. कौन कहता है की यारी बर्बाद करती है, अरे ओ यारों कोई निभाने वाला हो तो दुनिया याद करती है..!

12. Family isn’t always about blood. It’s about who cares and never left your side.

13. रिलेशनशिप दुख देता है, दोस्ती सुकून देती है | Happy Friendship Day.

Thank you for reading. If you find it helpful, kindly share it with your loved ones and I would love to read your views in the comment box below.




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