6 min readFeb 14, 2022

What is Love?

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Love is something that can’t be seen or touched but we can vibe it, feel it. When we love someone, we ignore their mistakes, feel the other person’s pain as our own, willingly sacrifice anything for them, can’t listen to a word against them, defend them even in their absence, think about them all the time, care for them. Actually, we don’t love a perfect person rather we love someone with whom we’ve developed a deep connection, sometimes we are attracted to the one who thinks or behaves similar to us and at other times we get attracted towards someone totally different. It may happen because we search for the things that we lack in the other person.

The most important thing is that love with the right one will make sense to you and it need not make sense to anyone else because there’s no particular reason to love someone and people may repeatedly ask you what made you fall in love with that person?

In other words, they try to find the reason behind it, maybe because most people judge Love based on physical attractiveness, social connections, choices, financial status, complexion and caste, etc. Love is something above all these things. It’s a pure feeling for someone who understands us, makes us their priority, considers us as his/her responsibility and is ready to stay in our ups and downs. It’s with whom we vibe the most.

But for loving someone, first, we must love ourselves. And it’s not being selfish. If you can’t love yourself, trust me you can’t love anyone because we reflect what we feel inside. If we can’t love ourselves we won’t be able to reflect it towards the opposite person. And even the opposite one reflects what we express towards them. We must love ourselves the way we want them to love us.

We don’t need a perfect person to love rather a vision and attitude to accept their imperfections and still love them and thus we’ll discover that their imperfections don’t even matter. When we love someone, we openly express our likes and dislikes and put effort into changing the wrong ones and accepting the right ones. We notice every minute detail and reaction of that person and they do the same. And that’s what is true love.

The right way of expression and communication are a must in love. If you cannot express your love and your feelings then how will the other person love you back. It’s hard to reciprocate unknown feelings and it may hurt us too. So make sure they know how much you love them and you may spice it up sometimes by adding your own uniqueness to your ways of expressing.

It’s not a compulsion that everyone we love must love us back, Why so?
It may happen due to some odd circumstances or they might have a more lovable person than we or the reason may be sometimes different.
But now the question is shall we continue loving them even after not getting the same love?

The answer is simple. It’s up to you. Sometimes, people you love for a long time will not create the same feeling for you no matter what because everyone is different. Some may develop the same feeling sooner or later.

For example – Our parents love us even before we were born but never express it verbally. It’s all expressed via their actions and with time we reciprocate the same love and care for them. Similarly, we’ve to wait and try not to judge too early. When we love someone truly, we create good vibes for them and they can feel those vibes and there are chances that they may love us back. But in some cases, they won’t develop the same feeling at all. And that’s completely fine. We must understand and accept the truth and don’t beg for affection and attention as we can’t force someone to love or care for us. It’s totally up to them. Instead of wasting our time and energy on them, we must learn to invest it in different activities and people who make us happy or reciprocate the same feeling that we have for them. We don’t need the affection which is acquired forcefully or unwillingly as love is an intense feeling of deep affection developed and expressed from within.

Nowadays biggest myth is that love is only for two persons who are in a romantic relationship. Everyone wants to be in a romantic relationship with whom they can share their feelings without filtering them and get accepted as they are. Marriage is one of the concepts where two lovelies say vows and make promises to stay together in all types of situations. We all get married at the right time and age as we all need someone to support and love us mentally, emotionally, physically. But don’t rush as everything happens at the right time.

Don’t be in a romantic relationship with anyone just because everyone around you is already in one because finding a life partner or a soul mate is not that easy. And if you have no intentions of being with someone for a lifetime and just want to pass your time then you are surely doing the wrong thing. You are wasting your time and energy as well as theirs. Maybe the other person who takes that relationship seriously and when he/she will know about your intentions will get hurt. So think wisely before entering into a romantic relationship with anyone.

If you think that love is only meant for couples, then you are mistaken, my friend. Love carries a wider meaning. Love is a feeling, not a person or a thing. You may love a particular person or a thing or activity. You may love your pet or materialistic stuff like cars, books, gadgets, etc. It is not limited to a particular interest. Love is for everyone who feels a deep connection with someone or something. It has no gender and age rules. Love is in God, family and friends too. It actually makes us do the things that we never thought we’d be capable of doing. Love has the power to change anyone’s behavior only if you do it in the right way. We must love in such a way that the person we love feels free, not in a cage. It’s the best feeling in the world. Sometimes the person we love hurts us and it’s hard to think of loving them in the same way again. But it doesn’t stop us from wanting them and you still think of them as the greatest person in the world. Again, it depends on the situation. Don’t let your love make you weaker by not letting anyone take you or your feelings for granted. Love is the most violent act, So remember, everyone we love may hurt us in one or the other ways now it’s up to us which pain is worth living. Just give it a thought, If we can live happily without them, leave them. If we can’t then stick with them. The choice is all ours.

Love has a deeper meaning and power which is indescribable. It has the ability to transform lives. We’ve seen our parents love us no matter what. They don’t unlove us for our mistakes. Instead, they forgive and teach us or sometimes they try to figure out the reasons behind our doings but they never abandon us. And they do this because they love us unconditionally. We’ve to learn this type of love from our parents and we should try to reciprocate that purity and warmth in every relationship that we have.
Love creates harmony among us. It also creates easiness in every relationship. As I’ve mentioned before when we love someone, we turn a blind eye towards their mistakes and try to find the reason behind their actions. So when you start thinking that everyone has their reasons and we all are different humans with varied perceptions, then you react differently. You expect less and accept more and that’s the key to maintaining a healthy relationship. You forgive them easily for their mistakes as your perception of the situation and their actions change. And this will bring peace and stability to your relationship. But beware, because they can take your goodness for granted and cause a reverse effect.

So, start being kind and spread love and remember love is generated inside us and is expressed in vibes and actions more than words. So keep loving everyone and everything from today onwards
‘हर किसी को अपना समझकर प्यार करोगे तो आप भी खुश रहोगे और आपके साथ ही सामने वाला भी खुश रहेगा’-Shanu Dodani

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Written by Beeasyon

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